As Product Specialist, you are responsible for marketing the extensive portfolio of a specialised brand. You make a strategic planning from which you approach customers within your region in order to sell your products. Your accumulated knowledge in combination with a thorough market analysis allows you to make strategic choices to achieve your goals. For this, you enter into sales conversations, you give product training and you provide technical advice to the nursing staff on the shop floor. You participate in national and international courses and meetings. In this role, you report to the COO.
Who are you & what are your skills?
What do you get in return for your talent?
Every customer is a suitable customer for WM Supplies. In this way we serve a wide range from small to large. Both independent home nurses as well as a large care group can find the right solutions within our range.
More info on our clients.WM Supplies also has a broad range of private label products under the label WM Supplies. This has the advantage to have full control on - amongst others - the provenance, fabrication and quality of certain products. Combining our knowledge, expertise and contacts enables WM Supplies to deliver a broad assortment of products.
More info on private label.WM Supplies strives for an integrated partnership. Logistics by WM Supplies means an extended range in order to minimise your suppliers management and - should you wish so - delivery on the work floor. In short, anything to guarantee one-stop-shopping.
More info on logistics.As a healthcare supplier, you benefit in working efficiently with your suppliers. At WM Supplies you can also prepare and pass your orders online. This minimises the time you spend ordering products and maximises your time spend with patients.
To the webshopIn complement to our logistical infrastructure with attention for sustainability, WM Supplies has a range of diverse durable product solutions.
More info on ecology at WM Supplies.At WM Supplies you enjoy the local character of a company with strong family roots. A horizontal structure guarantees a personal follow-up of your needs.
WM Supplies has a thorough understanding of its products and is happy to share its knowledge via in-house training sessions and optimisation.
Every organisation is confronted with a shortage of one or several products from time tot time. Thanks to its extended reference list and supplies, WM Supplies can help you out quickly.
With WM Supplies you choose a sustainable partner with an extremely complete range. You will therefore quickly increase your efficiency by reducing your supplier follow-up.
Kortrijksestraat 30 / 8520 KUURNE
Kortrijksestraat 30 / 8520 KUURNE
Rue Horlitin 9 / 7750 MONT DE L’ENCLUS